Dr. Furu Wei is a Partner Research Manager (全球研究合伙人) at Microsoft Research Asia, where he leads and oversees research on Large Foundation Models and General AI, NLP, Speech, and Multimodal AI. Dr. Wei has published over 200 research papers in top-tier conferences and journals with more than 40,000 citations (H-Index 95). He won the runner-up of Outstanding Paper Award at AAAI 2021 and the Best Student Paper Award at KDD 2018. Research from Dr. Wei and his team has been widely applied to Microsoft products and services.

In recent years, Furu and his team have published and open sourced pioneering and high-impact research works and models on Foundation Models and General AI, including UniLM, InfoXLM, XLM-E, MiniLM(-2), (m)E5, Layout(X)LM(-3), WavLM, BEiT(-3), Kosmos(-2), VALL-E, DeepNet, LongNet, (Gated) RetNet, YOCO / Decoder-Decoder Architecture, 1-bit LLMs / BitNet (b1.58), Q-Sparse / Fully Sparsely-Activated LLMs, Differential Transformer, to name a few.

Dr. Wei received his B.S. and Ph.D. in computer science from Wuhan University in 2004 and 2009, respectively. In 2017, he was included in MIT Technology Review’s annual list of Innovators Under 35 China (MIT TR35 China) for his contributions to natural language processing.


韦博士在顶级会议和期刊上发表了200多篇研究论文(引用超过40,000次,H-Index 95),并获得 AAAI 2021 年最佳论文提名奖以及 KDD 2018 最佳学生论文奖。

近年来,韦博士和团队在基础模型和通用人工智能领域发表和开源了一系列开创性、有影响力的论文和模型,例如UniLM, InfoXLM, XLM-E, MiniLM(-2), (m)E5, Layout(X)LM(-3), WavLM, BEiT(-3), Kosmos(-2), VALL-E, DeepNet, LongNet, (Gated) RetNet, YOCO / Decoder-Decoder Architecture, 1-bit LLMs / BitNet (b1.58), Q-Sparse / Fully Sparsely-Activated LLMs,Differential Transformer等。

韦博士分别于2004年和2009年获得武汉大学学士学位和博士学位。2017年,他因对自然语言处理的贡献入选《麻省理工技术评论》中国35岁以下创新者年度榜单(MIT TR35 China), 2018年入选中国AI英雄风云榜技术新锐奖榜单。2019年“统一自然语言预训练模型与机器阅读理解”入选世界互联网领先科技成果奖,2024年LayoutLM荣获国际基础科学大会前沿科学奖。2020年入选北京市劳动模范。

We are hiring at all levels (including FTE researchers and interns)! If you are interested in working with us on Foundation Models and General AI, NLP, Speech, Document AI and Multimodal AI, please send your resume to fuwei@microsoft.com.

General Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) Group

Our mission-focused research on Advancing A(G)I for Humanity